Early Elementary Intro to Real Food Activity Book Digital Download

Early Elementary Intro to Real Food Activity Book Digital Download
This PDF download is designed to teach your Pre-K through second-grade student about real food. With over 90 pages of activities, students will become familiarized with traditional, nourishing foods while practicing important skills such as handwriting, counting, patterns, and critical thinking. The book features lessons on consuming the whole animal, hunted game, raw milk, properly prepared grains, fruits and vegetables, and more.
All of the illustrations in this book were custom created by the wonderfully talented watercolor artist, Paige Nethers of Two Peas Paper Co. You can also find her at @twopeaspaperco on Instagram.
*Keep in mind, the link to download your digital file is only live for 24 hours. Be sure to download the file to your device in that time. This file is too large for a phone, please download and save to your computer.