The Scoop on Coffee—should it be certified "mold-free”?

Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about coffee. I used to think there wasn't anything to it. I’d pick up whatever brand, even swing by Dunkin or Starbucks on a regular basis, drink it first thing on an empty stomach, have multiple cups in the morning... the list can sadly go on. Now, I consume coffee with a completely different approach. And as a result, I can feel my body thanking me when pouring that delicious cup of coffee. Keep reading to learn the low down on coffee, sourcing high-quality beans, nutrient-boosting recipes, and more. But first, let’s cover the health benefits.


  • High in antioxidants- polyphenols, chlorogenic acid & caffeic acid are three key elements that help protect cells against free radical damage and oxidative stress

  • Increases circulation & liver health

  • Supports cognitive function & brain health (increases blood flow to the brain)

  • Supports heart health- potentially lower risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, type-2 diabetes & obesity) 

  • Improves physical performance

  • May contain anti-cancer properties 

  • Can promote weight loss & help boost fat-burning/metabolism-contains chlorogenic acid that sparks the metabolism 

  • May improve gut health- promoting the growth of good bacteria, like Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, and decreasing numbers of potentially harmful bacteria, like Clostridium and Escherichia coli. And for some acts as a natural laxative & can help with constipation  

  • Promotes longevity- contains more than 1,000 bioactive chemicals 

Now, on to one important aspect—sourcing high-quality beans. 


Coffee is an imported crop. You are either getting your beans from a large-scale commercial farm or from small farmers. Large-scale commercial coffee often utilizes pesticides and herbicides when growing in wide-open fields. Coffee has been ranked one of the most sprayed crops in the world. The everyday purchase at your favorite drive-thru coffee spot might be exposing you to a number of these toxicants. These industrialized beans also contain mycotoxins, a toxic fungal from a class of chemicals Ochratoxin A, which are harmful compounds created by mold on the coffee beans. Mycotoxins also cause health concerns such as the following mentioned before, but also major digestive/gut issues, immune deficiencies, and again, cancer. Very little to no regulation and poor, unsanitary conditions allow these unsafe beans to be harvested and sold. Unfortunately, there is no maximum pesticide residue limit, which ultimately results in no monitoring of pesticide residue levels at all. Not only are these damaging tactics hurting our health, but it is also harming the environment, the soil, and even getting into our water supply. The good news is there is a much better and way healthier solution.

Specialty coffee is held to a much higher standard. The coffee ranks 80 or higher on a scale from 1-100. This type of coffee is sourced from small farmers in coffee-producing countries like Guatemala, Nicaragua, Colombia, Brazil, Honduras, Ethiopia, etc. Coffee from these small farms is often shade-grown, utilizing an inner-crop method that allows farmers to employ chemical-free growing practices. Once the beans are harvested they are washed and left to dry in the sun naturally, sometimes even fermenting slightly, and are carefully inspected for any defects.  


“Certified mold-free" coffee is on the rise with several wellness coffee companies promoting its health benefits. But having this certification (and others) comes with a price ($24 per 12 oz bag!). The truth is specialty coffee's natural process of drying (and sometimes fermenting) the green beans before roasting virtually eliminates any risk of mold growth. For this reason, certain roasters (including our partners at Haselmayer Goods) believe this new wellness coffee trend has perhaps certified something that doesn't actually need to be certified. So if you do not see this on certain labels, or even USDA Organic, don't assume the coffee isn't high-quality. Many small farmers choose not to become USDA Organic Certified due to the high cost (30-50k) even when their shade-grown practices align with the regulations. 


Moving on to how we brew our coffee. This step is equally as important as sourcing high-quality beans. Keurig's and similar machines have become very popular, and although they are convenient, they are made of plastics which can lead to toxins like BPA and phthalates leaching into our hot coffee. BPAs are considered endocrine disruptors that lead to many other health issues, even linked to cancer. Phthalates (plasticizers) are industrial chemicals that can damage the liver, kidneys, and reproductive system.  

Here are a few favorite brewing methods:

Ending thoughts on brewing. One, ditch the pods and start grinding your coffee beans. And when it comes to filters, make sure they are unbleached paper or another great option is a reusable organic cotton filter.



Now let's dive into when you should drink your coffee and why it's important. It has become very customary to drink coffee as soon as we wake up, on an empty stomach, and even to replace breakfast or "mask" our hunger. Not only are you missing out on the most important meal of the day, but you are also disrupting your blood sugar and causing dysregulation, along with the infamous "caffeine crash." Both cause our bodies to not optimize at their fullest potential and can result in more severe health issues such as adrenal fatigue/issues, weight gain, digestive/gut issues, overall less energy, mood dysregulation, and more. As a simple rule, try to consume coffee after you’ve nourished your body well with a protein-rich breakfast. And if you can stand it, try delaying caffeine consumption to 1.5 hours after you wake up.

To enhance your morning routine and give your cup of coffee a nutrient-boosting element, here are a few of my favorite recipes/additions:

1. The classic: add a splash of raw milk, cinnamon & maple syrup

-Cinnamon is a great source of antioxidants & helps to balance our blood sugar.

2. Adrenal support: Add chaga mushroom and/or He Shou Wu. Both can help prevent adrenal fatigue and the 'caffeine crash', along with having tons of extra health benefits.

3. Add coconut oil: provides extra health benefits as it's a great source of healthy fats, which allows for a slower release/burn of caffeine.

4. Add maca root: an adaptogenic, organic energizer & libido booster. Also, it makes the coffee a little creamier when frothed.

5. Add collagen powder: it dissolves easily and provides several health benefits including- skin, digestion/gut, and joint health, decreases inflammation, helps to build and restore muscle, brain health, and more! Brands I trust- Perfect Supplements & Truvani 

All in all, coffee will remain one of those "controversial" topics, whether it is healthy or not. Remember we are all unique, and our health journeys are never the same. Always listen to your body and make the best decisions you can when it comes to your body and health. 

I hope after you read this, your next cup of coffee is one of the best, enjoy!